ICE 2003 in Helsinki, Finland
June 11-14, 2003- conference website
- The Scientific Sessions were held at the House of the Estates in Helsinki.
- 203 participants
- Edward J. Vigmond won this year's Kenichi Harumi Young Investigator's Competition
- Olaf Dössel was the Ragnar Granit lecturer
- Pentti Rautaharju was the Rijlant lecturer
- Two more plenary lectures were given by Charles Antzelevitch and Heikki Huikuri
Local organization
Jaakko Malmivuo
Jari Viik
Heikki Huikuri
Jari Hyttinen
Pasi Kauppinen
Markku Mäkijärvi
Juha Nousiainen
Soile Lönnqvist